The eye is one of the most important organs in the human body. Periodic visits to the eye doctor and basic measures taken in between visits can help a person improve eyesight. You see, prime reasons for eyesight getting damaged include sitting very close to TV screens and looking at computer monitors for longer hours. But fear not. Here are some pointers to help with eyesight improvement.
1) Check into safety gear for your line of work, even on computers. For example, a welder has to use the proper safety goggle equipment while doing the job since powerful UV radiations are emitted during welding. People going in sunlight have to invariably wear sun glasses to protect their eyes. Some experiments in laboratories use UV light often. The chemists have to wear protective equipments like goggles and gloves during those tests. So see what you can wear.
2) Take your vitamins. These help with your overall health as well as your vision health. Vitamin A is a very essential nutrition; carrots are a vegetable rich in vitamin A. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that has proved to reduce the onset of macular degeneration, which is a common cause for deterioration of eyesight. Vitamin C is necessary to produce collagen in our body and in combination with vitamin E protects the connective tissue and improves eye health. Zinc is a mineral required for strengthening eye cells. Fish oil containing omega 3 fatty acids reduce macular degeneration of nerve cells in the eyes and helps in improving eyesight. And the aloe vera plant is rich in ambrotose, a nutritional supplement that helps in immunizing our body and prevents eye infections.
3) Other vitamins, herbs and more. In assisting the formation of red blood cells, vitamin B-12 is extremely important for the normal functioning of human brain, nervous system and naturally the human eye. Vitamin B-12 helps prevent heart disease and helps metabolism of every cell. Three herbs are found to contain nutrients for good eye health; they are Bilberry extract, Aspalathus and Mahonia grape extract. Bilberry improves night vision. Aspalathus contains antioxidants good for eye health and immune functions. And Mahonia grape extract keeps the retina in good shape. Out of the total nutrition intake, 1/3 nourishes the visual system.
4) Apart from the nutrition required for the human body, exercises are a must for improving eyesight. While exercising we breathe in more oxygen, of which 1/4 is utilized by visual system. Scientific research has proved that the muscles of the eyes are much stronger than we imagine.
5) The real cause of weakening of eyesight is tension and a probable imbalance in any part of the human body. In fact, different forms of body tension give rise to different eye problems. While day dreaming, though the eyes are wide open they don't see when the mind is preoccupied. You can hold the tip of a pencil one foot away from one eye and close the other eye. Alternately concentrate on the tip and a farther object with open eye. This is a good exercise for the eye muscles.
There is a program conducted online by Cambridge institute for improving eyesight. The tips are as follows:
* Blinking consciously 10 to 12 times every minute is an exercise which can clean, lubricate your eyes and reduce tension in your body.
* Practice flutter blinking 10 to 20 times rapidly.
* Train your mind to be aware of the complete scene the eye provides to you and not to ignore peripheral images caught by the eye.
In improving eyesight, one has to take care of the physical aspects like nutrition and exercise and his psychological aspects of mind relaxation. This might lead to eye power getting corrected and rejection of glasses.
Gordon Kaye admits he still wears his reading glasses but has noticed an overall improvement in his quality of vision since taking the measures outlined above. Live a relaxing life, and when you need to, put on a stylish pair of fashion reading glasses to see the fine print.
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